
In most of my projects, I am interested in the stories that numbers about health tell me about how a society is organized. I tend to start with demographic trends or puzzles, and then use qualitative data to unpack the social processes and mechanisms producing those trends, sometimes going back and forth between quantitative and qualitative data to unpack the story. My past and ongoing mixed methods work has primarily focused on the HIV/AIDS pandemic as it unfolds in various settings such as Kenya, South Africa and the United States. Below are a sample of my publications:

Sample Publications

(student co-authors italicized)

Mojola, Sanyu A, Erin Ice, Enid Schatz, Nicole Angotti, Brian Houle and F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé. 2022. The Meaning of Health in Rural South Africa: Gender, The Life Course and the Socio-Epidemiological Context. Population and Development Review, December 2022 48(4): 1061-1095.

Mojola, Sanyu A, Nicole Angotti, Enid Schatz and Brian Houle 2021. “A Nowadays Disease”: HIV/AIDS and Social Change in a rural South African community. American Journal of Sociology, November 2021. 127(3): 950-1000.

Mojola, Sanyu A, Nicole Angotti, Danielle Denardo, Enid Schatz and F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé 2020. The End of AIDS?  HIV and the New Landscape of Illness in Rural South Africa. Global Public Health.

Mojola, Sanyu A. and Nicole Angotti [joint first author]. 2019. “Sometimes it is not about men”: Gendered and Generational Discourses of Caregiving HIV transmission in a rural South African community. Global Public Health.

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2014. Providing Women, Kept Men: Doing Masculinity in the Wake of the African HIV/AIDS Pandemic. Signs 39(2): 341-363

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2011. Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk. Social Science and Medicine 72(2): 149-156